(613) 601-5589
Always protecting your private and confidential information
Privacy Statement
ATK Cosmetics is committed to respecting your privacy and Personal Health Information. This Privacy Statement illustrates the current information management practices at this clinic.
Laws and Commitment
Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) outlines guidelines to follow in order to protect your privacy. At ATK Cosmetics you can be assured the appropriate policies are in place to protect your Personal Health Information (PHI).
Your PHI will only be collected with your consent, and when absolutely necessary and relevant to your treatments.
Your information may only be used for the purpose it is being collected for. For instance, if you are receiving a neuromodulator treatment, your information may only be used to safely facilitate that treatment.
ATK Cosmetic’s security practices are continually evolving to ensure that the integrity and confidentiality of information and systems are maintained. ATK Cosmetics uses safeguards to protect PHI from misuse, alteration, copying, disclosure, destruction, monitoring or unauthorized sharing of information and damage. ATK Cosmetics safeguards include the uses encrypted telemedicine software, and physical, technical, and procedural controls to protect information.
What happens when you send ATK Cosmetics personal information?
You may choose to provide personal information such as your name, address, phone number, e-mail address and credit card number, if you wish to:
Submit an e-mail, comment, question, request, or subscribe for information online
Request a service, product, or fill out a consent or health history form online
Pay for treatments
Provide feedback, participate in consultations online
When you visit this website or clinic, any personal information you provide will be used to respond to your message and/or provide you with the requested service or product. The collection of personal information by our Health Care Professionals (HCP’s) will be in accordance with Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90f31#BK51). This Act requires HCP’s to collect only the personal information that is necessary for the administration of desired treatments.
In addition to acting in accordance to the privacy rules of FIPPA ATK Cosmetics has also established privacy policies and practices that govern how personal information is managed, including:
Develop and maintain policy and procedures in the prevention and management of privacy breaches
Develop and maintain policy and procedures of confidentiality of PHI and medical records
Consultations with the Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) when we necessary
Accessing Your Personal Information
For more information on the process for accessing your personal information, you may wish to view the IPC website: Accessing Personal Information (https://www.ipc.on.ca/).
Independent practitioners are required to protect the personal information in their possession. The Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) oversees whether organizations comply with the access and privacy provisions of the Act by investigating privacy complaints and hearing appeals.
Who to contact for more information
Have questions about the information being collected and how it is being used? Ask me, and I can help.
Jena Atkinson RN, BScN
(613) 601-5589